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大家在看小道士三岁半,叼着奶嘴去抓鬼 重生五零后的一生 五零之穿成极品他媳妇 穿书七零:意外之财让我富的流油 七十年代之空间有点田 穿越到50后才知道的心酸 五零灾荒年有个鸡肋空间真香啊! 穿越后我成了娱乐圈全能女王 快穿从魂穿六零开始 腹肌兵哥缠人,在七零日日笙歌 
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第166章 (前世)你以为我想啊?!

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3) At the beginning of the auction, I will quote the starting price and the increase in price of the auction target. Bidders who respond to the starting price can raise their license plates, and please raise them above your head.

4) I have the right to temporarily adjust the price increase based on the on-site situation, which means I can increase or decrease it.

5) When the bidders present acknowledge that my markup is too small and are willing to add,, or even1million yuan, please verbally quote the price you have added and hold up your license plate.

6) When two or more bidders at the same price raise their plates, the auctioneer has the right to confirm the first to raise the plate.

7) When the highest price appears in the entire market, I still need to give other bidders three opportunities to increase the price. I will express it in this way,\"First, Second, Last (or Third)\". If no one increases the price after the three opportunities, I will decide whether to close the deal based on the reserved price. If the reserved price is reached or exceeded, I will strike the wooden mallet in my hand to indicate the deal, The transaction price obtained by hammering has legal effect, and no one has the right and cannot retract, nor can they overturn or change my transaction price, otherwise they will bear legal responsibility.

8) After striking the hammer, I will announce the buyer of the target on the spot. Please sign the \"Auction Confirmation Letter\" with our pany on the spot and pay the payment and mission to our pany in accordance with relevant regulations.

9) Please carefully read the bidding documents sent by our pany for other terms

Auction documents in people\u0027s hands. Here, we would like to remind everyone that your listing, bidding, markup, verbal quotation, and even transaction will be deemed as if you have fully understood, agreed to, and are willing to ply with the auction rules and terms required in our auction documents and transaction confirmation.”


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站内强推龙游天下之瑞康公主小传 完蛋!我被合欢宗妖女包围了 朕就是这样的汉子[快穿] 建立修仙家族,从坊市开始 农门福气包:大人,你老婆是颗参 四合院之开局秦家村杀猪佬 重生后我嫁给了残疾大佬 夜的命名术 爷,夫人的朋友不是人 军婚?带签到系统穿七零女炮灰 斗罗大陆III斗罗大陆III龙王传说 狐祸天下:妲己传 全师门就我一个废柴 别人破案我直接看答案 剑徒之路 攻略黑化反派?我选当他亲妈! 穿书七零:意外之财让我富的流油 重生军婚:首长的福妻 都市极品医神 霍格沃兹之我的同学是伏地魔 
经典收藏娇俏知青:我带着空间在七零 重回年代:团宠福妻她超凶哒 抢回金手指,六零极品夫妻杀疯了 魔眼小神医 我用十八般武艺卷死摆烂女主 胎穿五零后不得已才下乡 五零弃妇有空间 穿书女配:白月光要苟到大结局 顶级千金回归,马甲掉不停 带着粮库回六零 霍夫人是个小哭包 七零:团宠崽崽她是国家金手指 六零军婚,两胎五宝都是大力崽崽 重生年代文有空间 八零之宠了个残疾大佬 黑心知青带百亿物资在六零杀麻了 离婚后,闪婚京圈大佬 阴差阳错嫁给深爱我的禁欲系大佬 可以宠你入骨亦可虐你入土 神婆好会,我被茶言茶语降住了 
最近更新绝色女总裁表白后,未婚妻急哭了 年代娇妻忙改命,禁欲糙汉求随军 全家逼我离婚,现在后悔有用么 假死骗我离婚,重生我火化前妻 你是谁?我们认识吗? 我死后,成了疯批反派的白月光 八零:致富养娃,嫁二婚男赢麻了 时光与你,情定今生 钓系甜妻,贺总自愿咬上钩 我养的纸片人成了顶流巨星 断绝关系后,首富亲妈跪求我回家 非官方守护:偶像要在我身边 我养的金丝雀竟成了顶级霸总 她乖得不行 重生后,绿茶每天对我死缠烂打 我是山神,在七零种田怎么了? 孕吐甜妻一皱眉,大佬全家轮流哄 竹马退婚?我转身扑向京圈大佬 顶级溺宠:谢总的娇娇又甜又乖 救命!刚重生就和死对头纵情疯狂 
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