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第18章 决战18

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That was the thing about fighting Goku – it had bee painfully, abundantly clear that the bastard was just an outright genius at fighting.

这就是和孙悟空战斗的问题 - 随着时间的推移,这变得非常清晰而明显,这个混蛋在战斗中简直就是个天才。

Such an instinct and awareness of techniques couldn\u0027t be taught, no matter how many brutal drills you could go through. If Planet Vegeta were still around, the low-class may have gotten to the top through sheer hard work and skill.

这样的本能和对技巧的认知是无法教授的,无论你经历过多少残酷的训练。 如果贝吉塔星仍然存在,低级战士可能会通过纯粹的辛勤工作和技能来达到顶峰。

That didn\u0027t make Vegeta\u0027s dilemma any less infuriating as he flailed around wildly while Goku answered all his offense. He was supposed to be the most naturally gifted Saiyan, superior to everyone in every aspect of bat down to the footwork. His veins swelled just thinking about it.

这并没有减轻维吉塔的困境,当他疯狂地挥舞着,而孙悟空回应他的所有攻势时,他的愤怒并没有减少。 他本应是最有天赋的赛亚人,在战斗的方方面面都优于其他人,甚至包括步法。 一想到这一点,他的血管就涨了起来。

Vegeta got into Goku\u0027s airspace while he was in the middle of throwing a punch, leaving the younger Saiyan helpless to avoid him. Yet Goku regained his cool, swept Vegeta\u0027s legs, and dropkicked him away. As he got up, Vegeta smacked the floor – he was supposed to be the one able to pull that off at the spur of the moment.

维吉塔在孙悟空拳出之际进入了他的攻击空间,使得年轻的赛亚人无法躲避。 然而孙悟空重新镇定下来,横扫维吉塔的双腿,然后踢开他。 当他站起来时,维吉塔狠狠地拍了一下地板 - 他本应该能够即时完成这一招。

With his ribs hanging by a thread, Vegeta gasped for as much of the scant air as he could, growing dizzier as he tried dragging himself ahead. He was supposed to be on the other side, laughing at Goku as she struggled to breathe and hold his body together.

维吉塔的肋骨如同一根线挂着,他喘着气,尽可能地吸入稀薄的空气,随着他试图向前拖着自己,他的头晕得越来越厉害。 他本应该站在另一边,嘲笑孙悟空,看她在呼吸困难中努力维持身体的完整。

Aura exploded around Vegeta, flaring up like the spikes of his hair. He tried punching Goku\u0027s face with more power and force behind his blow, but his efforts only gave him both of Goku\u0027s forearms. It hurt his own fist more than it hurt Goku. As he shook his wrist, Goku took full advantage and punched him directly in the stomach, right in the same spot where Gohan impaled him.



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