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大家在看九星霸体诀 武道玄幻:从六扇门开始掠夺词条 拜见血主大人 我一个人砍翻乱世 洪荒之最强天帝 盗墓:一剑天门开,怒劈青铜门 妖帝撩人:逆天邪妃太嚣张 武炼巅峰 我在诡异世界加点长生 人在大秦,已成道祖! 
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第37章 影子的牺牲

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Can this be done?

teeth! A variety of supernatural and mystical forces exist in the world that Clark is familiar with. If it adapts to the flow of time in this false world under the influence of some normal force or physiological function, then the hypothesis holds true.

"Is this the truth of the world?" Clark frowned. He felt the truth was more than that. Judging from Butler Valente's tone earlier, there is no doubt that the truth of this world is even crazier than he is currently imagining.

"The same goes for the cat's tooth bracelet. Why do those who touch it see the memories of the bracelet's owner?" When Clark and Miller touch the cat's tooth bracelet, they are both Miss Hela. I saw the memory of

The mother in Miss Hella's memory was not as approachable as she herself describes. He was a plete fool.

In that memory, something that looked like Hera-sensei's sister died, and after that, Hera-sensei's mother said that she should be her sister.

Having grown up with such a mother, Miss Hera's mind is clearly a far cry from her timid, moony exterior, and her mind must have bee ugly and warped from her knowledge of performing evil magic. I can confirm that. .

Thinking of this, Clark suddenly had an idea as he remembered the details. I mean, when Valente and Hera appeared as fusion monsters, Valente's eyes briefly lingered on the cat's teeth when he said he "didn't quite get it." He wore the bracelet for a while, and then he flashed a mischievous smile.

Clark's expression became solemn: "He knew early on that anyone who touched the cat's tooth bracelet would see memories of Miss Hela. I said I know something because I saw you touch the tooth bracelet. But after observing my expression, I said, 'I haven't restored the whole truth of the matter. I realized that..."



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站内强推农门婆婆的诰命之路 校花学姐从无绯闻,直到我上大学 兽世:恶毒雌性靠美食养崽洗白了 港综:你管这叫卧底? 重生年代俏佳媳有空间 攻略黑化反派?我选当他亲妈! 四合院:大清回来了 我小鲜肉,开局武力值爆表? 九域凡仙 人在诡异世界:我面板武圣 诸天:在倚天的我会些法术 军婚易撩,搬空家产带着灵泉随军 洪荒:悟性惊人,推演大道法 四合院之开局秦家村杀猪佬 穿成八零异能女 女神的超级赘婿 快穿:在年代世界悠闲生活 柯南:开局与贝姐合作扬名立万 从小欢喜开启诸天之旅 造化血狱体 
经典收藏万古神帝 我在诸天当皇子 肉身成圣者的二次元生活 诸界第一因 诸天盘点:开局盘点十大热门世界 我,天牢狱卒,靠着系统偷偷无敌 修真万年归来 长生从复制词条开始 我吞噬了大筒木辉夜 一页一神通,道爷你这么玩? 贫道不善言辞,却也略懂拳脚 仙武:无限推演金钟罩,横推万古 视频通武侠:开局盘点十大高手 我,修炼功法自动满级! 十方乱世,人间武圣! 长生武道:我在高武世界加点修行 我的御兽真不是邪神 万族入侵:我有一剑可破万法 我,无敌魔主,座下万亿混沌魔神 女大三千位列仙班 
最近更新洪荒之穿成一颗树 太古观星录 被我演技欺骗的她们,全都重生了 哪吒之魔童 洪荒:我!玄门先锋!人教大将! 海贼之无畏征程 反派,一心躺平的我误入修罗场 宇宙星际探险 所念皆星河刀神传 神灵的存在方式 异世界新农人:我的炸裂穿越奇遇 洪荒:群主炸裂帝俊,万界聊天群 说书人词条 天命之终章 异界科技先锋 穿越继承拍卖行,你整盲盒集装箱 从凡骨少年到仙界主宰 综武店铺:始皇仙法,万界疯狂 证道从穿越小世界开始 御兽,但是双倍 
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