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大家在看开局万倍地图,苟到天荒地老 全职法师 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 人在诡异世界:我面板武圣 反派:开局夺走主角金手指 长生从复制词条开始 武道大帝 我在异界斩神 斗罗大陆III龙王传说 我的力气每天增加一百斤 
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Avoiding the zombie wave, Wang Qiang inserted four zombie knife arms into his backpack, leading everyone on a new journey.

At this point, everyone has pletely surrendered their anger to Wang Qiangche. Even if a few quite slippery spikes in the small team can jump, they have been impressed by Wang Qiang's power with a knife, and instead have bee Wang Qiang's most solid supporters. No one dares to deny Wang Qiang's leadership status.

In the end of the world, powerful people are always respected. As long as they are strong, even if they have bad habits, bad habits, and bad deeds, as long as they are strong enough, in this damn era, they will not lack disciples, servants, and followers.

Soldiers are even more so.

Nowadays, in the military's troops, most of the middle and senior cadres rely on their fists to gain a living position with every penny of their achievements and every penny of their blood.

Soldiers believe more in the strong. In the eyes of soldiers, benevolence, righteousness, and morality are nothing, and justice and glory are fleeting clouds. Only strong strength is the pursuit.

Because of the pursuit of strength, we believe in the strong.

Undoubtedly, in the eyes of these senior warriors, Wang Qiang is a strong person, not an ordinary strong person.

If someone else had the ability of Wang Qiang, they might have already looked down upon all beings and looked down upon the world. They would have sacrificed thousands of lives in the midst of being scolded, and at the time of success and fame, all ages would have withered.

Unfortunately, Wang Qiang lacks the consciousness of a strong person.

But Wang Qiang wouldn't think that way because of his miserable life in his early years, because of Lu Ming's life and death decision, because of what Jiang Yun said about loving someone and loving everyone, and also because of the downfall of the city.



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