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大家在看军嫂俏!军爷糙!八零随军闪了腰 甜蜜军婚在七零,女配赶海养娃样样行 穿越七零:我的物资能再生 重生七十年代:军嫂,有点田 穿书70被傲娇首长壁咚强吻生崽 魔眼小神医 七十年代之空间有点田 穿越后我成了娱乐圈全能女王 七零:团宠崽崽她是国家金手指 吃货萌妻超甜哒 
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- Analysis techniques employed to examine the crisis

- Limitations and potential biases of the study

By providing a prehensive background on the global financial crisis, this section sets the stage for the subsequent analysis and discussion in the paper "重回2008". It helps the readers understand the context and significance of the events that unfolded during that period and the subsequent impact on the global economy.

+ Global Financial Crisis

Global Financial Crisis


- Briefly introduce the topic of the global financial crisis

- Explain the significance and impact of the crisis on the global economy


- Provide a historical context leading up to the crisis

- Discuss the factors that contributed to the crisis, such as the housing market bubble, subprime mortgage crisis, and excessive risk-taking by financial institutions

Causes of the Global Financial Crisis:

1. Housing Market Bubble:

- Explain how the housing market bubble formed and its role in triggering the crisis

- Discuss the rapid increase in housing prices and the subsequent collapse of the market

- Analyze the impact of the housing market crash on financial institutions and the overall economy

2. Subprime Mortgage Crisis:

- Define subprime mortgages and their role in the crisis

- Discuss the lending practices that led to the proliferation of subprime mortgages

- Analyze the consequences of the subprime mortgage crisis on financial institutions and the economy

3. Excessive Risk-taking by Financial Institutions:

- Explain how financial institutions engaged in excessive risk-taking activities

- Discuss the role of plex financial instruments, such as mortgage-backed securities and collateralized debt obligations, in amplifying the crisis

- Analyze the impact of the collapse of major financial institutions, such as Lehman Brothers, on the global economy



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