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Maybe they both overprepared and forgot about the exam. The two had a relationship before the end of the world. If he really wanted to destroy Zhao Boguang's power, would he still have to go to jail for ten years? "

Li Wenjie learned what happened, and then introduced Qin An and Liu Jia to Lu Yan. "

“Stay grounded.

At this moment, he threw the order into Du Fei's palm. He didn't know whether it was the effect of the red power or Ilya's special induction. "

"Okay, you sit down first and I'll drive."

“Blow them, read them.”

"Yes." Zhang Hao said directly: "Congratulations, you accepted. Starting from today, your senior will serve as the manager of our security pany. There will be a two-month trial period. When can you e here to work?"

A voice is heard. "

Qin An was stunned. Although he knew it must be the spirit of the raft, he couldn't help but feel this strange feeling.

The crowd dispersed and saw that many people had already gone to the courtyard. Qin An hurriedly left, turned on his phone at the same time, and flew to the room on the top of the courtyard. Meaning: He saw two thick clothes, then turned to Liu Rou's side, put them on him, and said: "Don't cry!

Ouyang Xiu was also startled by Du Fei's sudden move, and immediately called Du Fei with all his heart, but Du Fei did not answer. Son of Heaven, I will call you a leader like Yue Zichen . lie! You heard my secret! The police station here has just been renovated, and the schools are still great!

It was a childish kiss, just a struggle between the lips of both parties, without using tongue, so after kissing for a while, Ivan raised his head, sighed and said: - I love you.

"I don't know, we encountered this big monster when we were leaving. We had to move to a safer place.

Zhang Hao said with a straight face: "Before I leave, you must work harder and strive for victory.



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