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大家在看九星霸体诀 武道玄幻:从六扇门开始掠夺词条 诡异药剂师:我的病人皆为恐怖 斗罗之灵宝斗罗 我在异界斩神 从垂钓诸天开始 我的御兽真不是邪神 九叔:修出神庭的我,太刑了 在西游世界开辟诸天 异界:开局买下白毛兽耳娘 
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Like a sharp ape, Wang Qiang leaped and climbed, and the Wind and Fire Wheel at his feet even sprinted directly onto the rooftop several tens of meters away!

I'll take a break, he succeeded

He actually succeeded

"Mount Taishan the ape!"

That's great“

Everyone burst into cheers.

Wang Qiang took off the rope from his waist and tied it firmly on the rooftop. Then, he took out a third rope from his arms and tied it up. He followed suit and climbed up the rope, using a folded thick cloth as a pulley, and directly rowed back to the opposite side.

Two ropes, slide them one by one, and the speed should be fast! "Wang Qiang shouted.

The soldiers took off their belts as pulleys and began to cross the building, and the action looked good.

At this moment, the screams of zombies had already e from below the corridor, indicating that the previously exploded staircase gap still could not stop the zombies from advancing.

Wang Qiang took out a few egg shaped hand radii, tore off the pull ring, threw them down the corridor, and then fiercely closed the door of the rooftop.

There were bursts of explosions ing from downstairs again!

This time the turmoil was too severe, and cracks began to appear on the rooftop. It seems that the rooftop may soon collapse.

Fortunately, after a delay, the zombies downstairs were blocked again, and the soldiers seized the time to transfer to the opposite upstairs.

Wang Qiang personally pressed the line at the end, and when he saw that only ten soldiers were still moving, there was suddenly a fierce gunfire ing from across the building!

Wang Qiang fixed his eyes and exclaimed that it was not good!

On the opposite rooftop, four new mutant zombies in the shape of spiders were actually climbing up, slaughtering the soldiers already there.



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站内强推全职法师 武道大帝 四合院:我要扛起这个家 重生大时代之王 让你法律援助,你当场整顿公检法 国家惊了,灵气刚复苏你成圣了? 完蛋!我被合欢宗妖女包围了 兽世:恶毒雌性靠美食养崽洗白了 全球冰封:我打造了末日安全屋 重回年代:团宠福妻她超凶哒 四合院:小猎户进城 快穿年代:暖意的悠闲人生 港片:开局坑大嫂三千万 封神:提升悟性,领悟世界大道! 我可能是一只假的奥特曼 梦幻香江 王爷,您今天后悔了吗 谍云重重 重生香江之金融帝国 六零军婚,两胎五宝都是大力崽崽 
经典收藏万古神帝 傲世丹神 综漫征召 箱子里的女儿国,我成了她们的神 诸界第一因 征战诸天:从大宗师开始 开局金风细雨楼主,一刀惊天下 开局通天箓,僵尸世界变天了! 修炼简化:以武通神! 长生武道,从八极拳开始 开局系统崩溃,我一不小心无敌了 开局长生,苟到成仙 太古神王 妖兄,你的寿元跟我有缘! 御兽转职:开局进化出山海经异兽 武道人仙 地狱曙光 分身,苟到无敌,占领修仙界 我,无敌魔主,座下万亿混沌魔神 让开,我要开始开挂了! 
最近更新晦力乱神 画天地 佛爷我真是好人啊 幕后大佬 荒古禁帝 焚仙殿 苟道修仙:我变成了修真界第一人 洪荒:从后天人族开始摸拟成圣 末世修真:都市崛起 身为反派,我的马甲多亿点点很合理吧 仙医下山,绝色师姐倒追我 玄幻:我开的建筑设计院成为圣地 穿越者请留步 地球最强神龙小子 变身成祸国殃民的九尾狐 拔剑即无敌,开局斩了元婴老祖 黑神话:我袁洪,请诸圣赴死 七星斩神诀 洪荒:我刷熟练度证道混元 一岁觉醒苍天霸体,给我逆袭系统干嘛? 
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