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In the blink of an eye, several soldiers were suddenly attacked by zombies. Although the soldiers on the opposite rooftop reacted quickly enough and fired fiercely, they still didn't have the point and couldn't kill the spider shaped zombies.

Wang Qiang was so anxious that he unexpectedly made such a big mistake without checking for a moment. How many people would die from this!

Wang Qiang quickly picked up his weapon and aimed it at the zombie on the opposite side.

A shuttle of bullets hit and four spider shaped zombies died tragically on the spot. Wang Qiang felt uneasy and shouted to the stunned soldiers, "Don't you hurry up? Do you also want to die

These soldiers who did not transfer became hesitant due to the exchange of fire on the opposite side. At this moment, Wang Qiang shouted before making up their minds and quickly transferred to the opposite side.

Next, Wang Erye and Xiao Chong slid across the street together. Wang Qiang rushed to block the door and shouted to Yu Kuan, "Big Beard, you go first, I'll take care of you

Yu Kuan nodded and threw a hand radium down the hallway again. He then grabbed the horizontal rope and flew away.

Everyone had already left, and Wang Qiang turned around and was ready to transfer. However, he didn't want the iron gate on the rooftop behind him to explode, and a small zombie covered in scales emerged from the thick smoke rolling corridor and charged directly at Wang Qiang!

Wang Qiang was shocked in his heart. He remembered the characteristics of this zombie clearly, which were extremely fast, sharp in attack, and difficult to capture.

This is a true third-order mutant zombie!

The zombie rushed straight into the air and came towards him. Wang Qiang had no knife in his hand, only an AK rifle. After a few rounds of bullets were fired, Wang Qiang realized that the bullets in the rifle could not bear the scales of the zombie.



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