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第117章 33

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Maybe deciphering these mysterious symbols will be a small project.

Du Fei immediately took off his baggage, pulled out his wind sword, and stood calmly on the spot, alert to the movements around him.

But Haiying believes that the earth is just an experimental product, so this statement is contradictory.

According to the pany's calculations, it is believed that we will officially transition to the interstellar era in another year and a half. "

Qin An said: "I am very hungry, have no strength, and my body is very tired, so naturally I sleep for a long time!

As the meeting footage played, everyone fell silent and casually flipped through the footage behind them.

Dong Jianping still remembers that in the afterlife simulation, after a mysterious group appeared, this mysterious group swept the entire earth, leading to the destruction of all living things on the earth.

In today's world, most goods are transported by sea. "

Chen Mo's eyes moved and he looked at the black figure.

Tang Mo shook his head, put down his questions about the grass, and hurried home.

Think about it, it’s still a matter of inheritance.

At one point, the truck passed them and then retraced their steps.

Unfortunately, due to Liu Mingyu's interference, Dong Jianping's energy life conversion was interrupted, and only one hand was pleted in the end.

Fortunately, as China bees more powerful, this contrast and discrimination has been relatively reduced.

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, people were already on their way to the forest, and they did not panic when they saw Duoyang announcing that Qianba was controlling the people.

Anyone who hears this kind of thinking of treating others as hooligans will find it ridiculous, and the Ouyang family will never agree.

Cheng Yuhui already understood. All he has to do now is apologize. Only a sincere apology is likely to repair the relationship.




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