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第123章 卷19

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“Will you promise to stay right here until we get back?”


Ross McLaurin nodded. “I promise. I know you’re trying to help me. I’ll do anything you say.”


Malone said, “We won’t be long. If you want anything, pick up the phone and ask for it.”


On the way to von Flanagan’s office he explained the reason for the visit.

“我在想冯?弗拉纳根要多久才能想到这一点。” 她评论道,“这两起谋杀案是用同一张纸、同一把剪刀剪出来的。马龙,你觉得那把钥匙去哪儿了?”

“I wondered how long it would take von Flanagan to tumble to that,” she mented. “Those two killings are cut out of the same paper, and with the same pair of scissors. Malone, where do you suppose that key went to?”


“The murderer has it. He trailed me the night of the first murder and picked my pocket.”

“有这种可能。” 杰克说。

“It’s possible,” Jake said.


“Or this Tuesday trailed me and picked my pocket, and then the man who murdered him took it from him.”

“我更喜欢第一种说法。” 海伦说。

“I like the first one better,” Helene said.


“Or it fell out of my pocket somewhere and was lost down a grating.”

“那太无聊了,而且很可能就是这么回事。” 她说,“我想那把钥匙也打开了非常重要的东西。哦,好吧,为洒了的钥匙哭泣也没用。” 她伸手握住杰克的手,紧紧地握着。

“That’s dull and probably what happened,” she said. “I imagine it unlocked something damned important, too. Oh well, no use crying over spilled keys.” She reached for Jake’s hand and held it tight.


They were the last to arrive at von Flanagan’s office. Mona McClane was there, looking very impressive and very small and very chic, in something black, tailored, and expensive. Lotus Allen was sitting in a straight chair, smoking a cigarette in a brown amber holder, seeming very cool and self-possessed. Jake noted and approved her camel’s hair coat, her small brown hat and trim little oxfords. The Vennings sat side by side on the worn leather couch. Michael Venning’s face was pink and a shade indignant. Editha Venning seemed more pale and haggard than before. Gray squirrel and blue felt were certainly not being to her, Jake decided. Still, she must have been a howling beauty once. She met his gaze across the room with just the faintest smile of friendly recognition.



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