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大家在看九星霸体诀 开局金风细雨楼主,一刀惊天下 长生武道:从五禽养生拳开始 修仙:我用凡物合成宝物 封神:我哪吒不需要系统 我一个人砍翻乱世 逆天悟性:从开创观想法开始长生 武道大帝 斗破:我柳席,化身三足金乌 武道封神,观摩即可加点! 
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Wang Qiang is sweating anxiously!

A group of zombies not far away are besieging certain buildings, and at this moment, they are attracted by the sound of gunfire. Zombies from all directions are like mosquitoes pouncing on electric light bulbs in the dark, and large crowds are ing towards us!

Give me the gun, speed! "Wang Qiang said nothing and grabbed the machine gun in one of the soldiers' hands, aiming in the direction with the most zombies and firing wildly.

Wang Qiang's marksmanship is very good, almost hitting every shot, but in front of the overwhelming number of zombies, his marksmanship is so useless that even a blind person can close their eyes and kill several zombies!

At 7:5 seconds, Wang Qiang hit the magazine with the first thirty bullets, then changed the magazine with one hand in the air and continued shooting. With a good machine gun, he was hit with two effects.

The soldier who was robbed of his weapon was speechless and could only take out his short pistol to continue shooting. However, seeing Wang Qiang's stunning marksmanship and the speed of his shooting, the soldier couldn't help but volunteer as an ammunition filler.

But this is still of no use, the progress of zombie invasion is only slowed down, which cannot hinder the zombie's invasion at all!

Fighting to this point, it's pointless to resist hard here. Wang Qiang casually threw out a magnetic storm radium and pointed to a nearby building, shouting loudly, "Everyone, hurry up! Hurry up

At this moment, the sound of a rapid fire machine gun came to mind in the air, and the zombie who was sprinting in front was shattered into flesh and blood parts by the fire of the rapid fire machine gun.

The zombie's advance was once again affected by sniper fire from the rapid fire machine gun.



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