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大家在看九星霸体诀 修炼从简化功法开始 我,天道殿殿主,打造诸天万榜 综仙:趁白浅失忆,忽悠她做老婆 武炼巅峰 玄幻洪荒之至尊通天 凭借属性面板,我肝成了修真大佬 洪荒:投资返还,开局投资我自己 我在轮回攒词条 在西游世界开辟诸天 
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In order not to cause too much trouble, when encountering these zombies, Wang Qiang asked everyone to give up shooting and instead personally held the zombie's knife arm to fight.

I have to admit that the limbs of this new mutant zombie are extremely sharp, and I'm afraid the front armor of a medium-sized tank cannot withstand the piercing of the blade arm. Wang Qiang is simply proficient in using it.

A third-order scaled zombie was gnawing at a corpse on the snow at the intersection. When it saw Wang Qiang and others, the zombie immediately put down its work and roared forward.

Wang Qiang rushed forward without letting go. Wang Er Ye was worried about Wang Qiang, so he held a knife and swept the array behind him.

Wang Qiang held a knife arm in each hand and rushed towards the zombie.

The blade arm is nearly two meters long and looks a bit like a Dongyang Taidao, with a black light when wielded.

The speed of the scaled armor zombie is very fast, and when it pounces in front of Wang Qiang, it has turned into remnants, making it difficult to understand.

The soldiers of the special operations team all sweated in their hands when they saw this, and regardless of whether the zombies could be killed, the speed of their movement made it even more difficult to hit the zombies!

Xiao Zhong's face also showed a look of shock, and with Xiao Zhong's level four gene warrior and precise shooting ability, capturing the movement trajectory of zombies was also very difficult.

As for Wang Erye, he held his knife and made a defensive move, his face extremely serious.

The machine gun in Yu Kuan's hand had already made a clicking sound, indicating his level of nervousness.

Everyone dared not move slightly, afraid of attracting the attention of the zombies. Everyone's hope for the battle lay with Wang Qiang.



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